When Phone Number is Mistakenly Flagged as Spam, Junk, Fraud or Scam call

When Phone Number is Mistakenly Flagged as Spam, Junk, Fraud or Scam call

This article provides information covering the available options for users when their phone number is flagged as spam, junk, fraud or scam call.


Note: This article does not apply to Engage customers.

It is an issue that has increased in frequency recently with iPhone users as well as T-Mobile customers since T-Mobile launched their Scam ID feature that flags potential scam calls on caller ID automatically. AT&T has a similar feature called Call Protect while Verizon also has a Spam Alerts feature. In early 2019, Google (Android) also started rolling out automatic spam and scam protection on their devices.

There is no uniform way to opt-out or be removed from these scam lists as they are maintained and run by separate private entities. None are providing much transparency into how they select numbers to be added to these lists. However, several do give individuals the ability to flag calls as unwanted spam or scam calls from their mobile device as one possible method for a number to be blocked.

In general, these two steps can be followed to resolve this issue: 
  1. Fill out this form to request to change or remove the caller ID information or spam rating of a number.
  2. You may request for a CNAM  - This will help so that when the agent is making an outbound call, your company name will show up on the caller ID of the receiver. 

Alternatively, the following information is available from various carriers and phone and OS manufacturers:


What if a call is misidentified and is either not a scammer or they are a scammer?

  1. We don’t expect this to happen, but if a customer suspects that a legitimate number is being blocked, or if they think a number should be identified as a scammer, they can submit a request for an update 
  2. Scam Block may, in rare circumstances, inadvertently block desired calls. Please note that you are free to turn off Scam Blocking at any time by using USSD code #OFB# (#632#).


 Introducing Spam Alerts

We get many complaints about unwanted computerized calls, and we get it - no one likes robocalls. To help you identify them, we've added a new Spam Alerts feature to your home phone's Caller ID. Your Caller ID will show "SPAM?" before the caller's name that has been identified* as a possible unsolicited call.

*A complex and always-improving algorithm is used to determine which calls match the SPAM criteria. While we're focused on identifying and alerting you to these types of calls as much as possible, you may still receive unsolicited calls from spammers/scammers as these calls will not be blocked automatically. You still choose which calls you to want to answer and which ones you don't. Coming Soon: To report numbers that you believe should be listed as spam or incorrectly labeled as such, please visit verizon.com/SpamAlerts.

If your business's phone number is being improperly flagged as a robo/spam on Verizon customer's phones, you can fill out a form here to request it be corrected.



A request can be submitted to Hiya to lower the SPAM rating; Hiya works with multiple carriers to lower SPAM ratings, amongst other things; request usually takes a week.

Report a mistake in spam protection

  1. Open the page and select the issue as "Change or Remove the caller ID information or Spam Rating of a number."
  2. Add your email address.
  3. Provide the description.
  4. On the "Does the number belong to a business or a person?" Choose "Business"



Google allows individual users to unblock numbers marked as spam or a scam but does not provide a mechanism for the phone number’s owner to request spam or scam removal.

Report a mistake in spam protection

  1. If a call from someone you know is marked as spam, you can report the mistake. Open your device's Phone app phone.
  2. Tap Recent calls.
  3. Tap the call mistakenly labeled spam.
  4. Tap Unblock number and then Unblock.
  5. Future calls from this number won't be marked as spam.



Apple does not advise of a similar form or way to report false flagging of numbers.

In addition to the scam detection features offered directly by carriers and phone manufacturers, there are numerous 3rd party apps that users can download on both iPhones and Android devices to flag and/or block potential scam calls. There is no way to “audit” or verify if a number is on one of these numerous spam lists. Suppose a legitimate number is blocked as spam or scam.

In that case, it may be advisable to deactivate that number and purchase a new number if the above options did not resolve the situation.

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